The 5 ways you can “speak” with someone who is living with dementia
For many carers, and as I have found myself with family, what can be one of the most frustrating challenges is when you need or try to...
Key steps to help someone with Dementia feel at ease on holiday
When you are on holiday and in a group, ensure that you help the person with dementia feel safe, secure and comfortable by having a long...
How to create a Dementia safe bedroom
Your home must always be a personal environment to you as everyone needs a private place and some peace and quiet. A safe home is a less...
Caring for someone who has Dementia
What Is Dementia? Dementia is a condition that impairs a person’s cognitive abilities. However, this isn’t the same as the normal levels...
5 Tips for Cooking with Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Easter holidays are a time for all to gather at home and in the kitchen, but for those suffering with arthritis, cooking can be...
Useful Adaptions for the Disabled
There are numerous issues that need to be considered when adapting a home for a disabled person. A lot of people need to be involved such...